The intersection of biblical studies, genetics, history, genealogy, and geography.
Seven reasons to believe that Adam was real
This presentation was produced for a conference at the Scandinavian School of Theology in Uppsala, Sweden. I was speaking as a representative of Creation Ministries International, but since this recording is similar to my talk The Historical Adam: theological...
Old fathers are genetic poison
The idea that old men contribute more mutations to their children than young men is not controversial. The application of this thought to people who lived 'biblical' lifespans, however, is. Here, I discuss some new information on the subject and talk a little about...
Apples are the perfect fruit…for discussing how things were designed to change
The apple gives us several excellent illustrations for understanding biblical genetics. The genetics of the apple tree is super complicated, yet always fascinating. From one domestication event several thousand years ago we now have over 10,000 apple varieties, and...
The Genetics of Modern Jews
0 "Who is a Jew?" and "Are the Jews genetically distinct?" are important and interesting questions. We have a biblical record of where they came from, of the number of people who married into Israel over time, and of the number of people were were dispersed from...
Early Israel was a Hotbed of Interracial Dating
The biblical story details a surprising number of marriages between Israelite and non-Israelite people. This leads to questions about what is a "Jew", where the boundaries are between "races" (if they even exist), and what we should expect to see when we look at the...
How long were the Israelites in Egypt?
There are many question that revolve around the Israelites time in Egypt. One of these deals with how long they were there. The Bible gives conflicting numbers and people argue over a "430-year Long Sojourn" and a "215-year Short Sojourn". In this episode, Dr Carter...
The Jews, inbreeding, and false notions of ‘race’
The origin of the Jewish nation is a fascinating question that is addressed in the Bible, archaeology, and genetics. In this episode, Dr Rob examines the early Israelite family tree and notes the huge amount of inbreeding that occurred as three successive generations...
The Barrier has been breached: new discoveries are challenging neo-Darwinism
Dr Rob reveals several new studies that are challenging the fundamental assumptions that underlie the neo-Darwinian synthesis. Specifically. the 'central dogma of molecular biology' (the thought that information only flows from DNA to RNA to protein) and the Weismann...
Is Covid-19 Evolving? No, but it sure is mutating fast!
People are constantly asking me, "Is Covid-19 evolving?" So I went ahead and recorded my answer. In short, no, there is nothing to suggest that it is on its way to becoming anything but a coronavirus. In fact, it should be picking up enough mutations over time that it...
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