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The intersection of biblical studies, genetics, history, genealogy, and geography.

Creation Research Society Summer Meeting 2022

Creation Research Society Summer Meeting 2022

Dr Rob is at Liberty University for the annual summer conference of the Creation Research Society. He shares the highlights and an encouraging message for the future of creation research. Notes and links: Join the Creation Research Society! Article: Species were...

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Old fathers are genetic poison

Old fathers are genetic poison

The idea that old men contribute more mutations to their children than young men is not controversial. The application of this thought to people who lived 'biblical' lifespans, however, is. Here, I discuss some new information on the subject and talk a little about...

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The Genetics of Modern Jews

The Genetics of Modern Jews

0 "Who is a Jew?" and "Are the Jews genetically distinct?" are important and interesting questions. We have a biblical record of where they came from, of the number of people who married into Israel over time, and of the number of people were were dispersed from...

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Early Israel was a Hotbed of Interracial Dating

Early Israel was a Hotbed of Interracial Dating

The biblical story details a surprising number of marriages between Israelite and non-Israelite people. This leads to questions about what is a "Jew", where the boundaries are between "races" (if they even exist), and what we should expect to see when we look at the...

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How long were the Israelites in Egypt?

How long were the Israelites in Egypt?

There are many question that revolve around the Israelites time in Egypt. One of these deals with how long they were there. The Bible gives conflicting numbers and people argue over a "430-year Long Sojourn" and a "215-year Short Sojourn". In this episode, Dr Carter...

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About the show

Based in Atlanta, is a vlog/podcast by Dr. Robert Carter. His posts explore modern genetics through the lens of biblical history, and vice versa.

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Or, click here to become a monthly patron, with perks! is for anyone interested in exploring the deeper aspects of human history, but a history informed by the Bible.  

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on do not necessarily reflect those of Creation Ministries International, Inc. (Dr. C's main employer), or any other entity.

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