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The intersection of biblical studies, genetics, history, genealogy, and geography.

Origin of Life Smackdown

Origin of Life Smackdown

Origin-of-life research got a boost with the recent publication of a massive new computer program that was designed to model early chemical evolution. At least, that's what the headlines say. Dr C explains that things are only getting worse for the evolutionary story...

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Epigenetics vs Darwin

Epigenetics vs Darwin

Epigenetics deals with those things that control which genes are turned on and off, and at what time, in the cell. It is a serious challenge to the neo-Darwinian idea that evolution occurs via a simple mutation + selection scenario. Location: Sweetwater Creek State...

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Natural Selection in Paradise

Natural Selection in Paradise

Natural selection is a controversial topic both among creationists and evolutionists and within creationism. No, it is not 'proof' of evolution, and yes it is a real phenomenon. But it was also operational in the world before Adam fell and sin and death entered the...

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How COVID-19 Testing Works

How COVID-19 Testing Works

There are three different COVID-19 tests in use today, with several variations of each on the market. What, exactly, do they do? How accurate are they? What can they tell us about this virus? Dr. C goes into the details, concluding that education is the best defense...

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Angelic DNA! Wait, what?

Angelic DNA! Wait, what?

There is a mysterious passage in Genesis chapter 6 about the "sons of God" having children with the "daughters of men". Scholars argue about what this means, and you can find all sorts of views on the subject in the public area. Some say the sons of God are human,...

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Pandemics vs Entropy

Pandemics vs Entropy

Pandemic viruses are deadly, but over time they should weaken as they pick up mutations. Will this happen with the pandemic coronavirus? We can only hope. But has it ever happen before? Yes, between 1917 and 2009, the human H1N1 virus picked up thousands of mutations...

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The octopus is from Mars, and other stories

The octopus is from Mars, and other stories

There are certain things in genetics that are truly shocking. Complexity (in this case, of the octopus genome), hybridization between species that are not in any way similar, ancient genetic connections between the Polynesians and the South Americans, and the...

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Privacy is dead!

Privacy is dead!

Privacy is dead. It never existed online, but even more importantly modern genetics has destroyed any sense of privacy. With millions of people in online databases, and with many of those accessible to the public, almost everybody is essentially identifiable....

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Patriarchal Drive

Patriarchal Drive

Patriarchal Drive is a strange phrase with profound implications. Simply put, very old people having children in a population adds many extra mutations per child. In the biblical model, centuries-old people would have been having children within a fairly small...

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About the show

Based in Atlanta, is a vlog/podcast by Dr. Robert Carter. His posts explore modern genetics through the lens of biblical history, and vice versa.

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