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The intersection of biblical studies, genetics, history, genealogy, and geography.

Nature vs God?

Nature vs God?

We all struggle to explain where everything came from. The science of naturalism is the main approach used today, but naturalism, even though it is a great science for the laboratory, is a lousy science for origins. The alternative to naturalism is theism, and within...

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Evolutionary Bottlenecks are Disastrous

Evolutionary Bottlenecks are Disastrous

Dr C revisits the idea of a genetic "bottleneck" and explains why the 'out of Africa' bottleneck would have been a disaster for our species. Location: Silvermine Commercial Take-out #3, Nantahala National Forest, Bryson City, North Carolina Links: Why you shouldn't...

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“Trust me. I’m a scientist.”

“Trust me. I’m a scientist.”

Location: Saguaro National Park, near Tucson, Arizona Links: Richard Dawkins Louis Leakey Information in biology Can random mutations creation biological 'information'? See the Origin of Life section in Evolution's Achilles' Heels The Waiting Time Problem Eventual...

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Genetic Engineering of Humans

Genetic Engineering of Humans

What’s your response going to be the first time you hear that a human has been cloned?  How are you going to react the first you hear that a baby has been born that has been genetically modified? What are you going to do when you go to the doctor with something and your doctor says, “Oh! We can fix that using genetic engineering. I ask those questions because they are not for tomorrow. They are not ten years from now. Those are questions that we are going to be facing in the immediate near future because they’re already possible to do.

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Ancient History vs the Table of Nations

Ancient History vs the Table of Nations

Dr C discusses the famous “Table of Nations” in Genesis chapter 10 and compares it to what we are learning about ancient human history. But most early humans left no trace of their existence and the Bible only explains the origin of people groups within a few hundred miles of Israel.

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Don’t be Afraid of the Bible

Don’t be Afraid of the Bible

Dr C is at a Christian university and takes the opportunity to speak on issues many theologians have with the book of Genesis. He ends with an encouraging call to remain faithful while studying hard.

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About the show

Based in Atlanta, is a vlog/podcast by Dr. Robert Carter. His posts explore modern genetics through the lens of biblical history, and vice versa.

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Or, click here to become a monthly patron, with perks! is for anyone interested in exploring the deeper aspects of human history, but a history informed by the Bible.  

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on do not necessarily reflect those of Creation Ministries International, Inc. (Dr. C's main employer), or any other entity.

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