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The intersection of biblical studies, genetics, history, genealogy, and geography.

Mutations are not as random as you think

Mutations are not as random as you think

The idea that mutations are random is an important concept for evolutionary theory. Yet, multiple areas of research are telling us that mutation placement and type are not at all random. There is also no reason to believe that mutation rates have remained constant...

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Was Africa the cradle of humanity?

Was Africa the cradle of humanity?

The idea that Africa was where humans originated has been drilled into our heads for decades, but cracks are beginning to appear, and they are being published by well-known scientists in top-level journals. If it is not true, how can we explain the data from a...

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Genetic diversity on the Ark

Genetic diversity on the Ark

Should there be a genetic difference between clean and unclean animals after the Flood? The answer will surprise you! Can you trace modern humans back to each of the three sons of Noah? Again, the answer is probably not what you expect! Dr C addresses these frequently...

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Genetic Entropy vs Simple Organisms. Was Darwin right?

Genetic Entropy vs Simple Organisms. Was Darwin right?

Genetic entropy is controversial. Creationists say it is real. Evolutionists say it is poppycock. But the theory was developed with long-lived, multicellular species with small population sizes and long generation times in mind (e.g., humans). What about the other end...

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RNA Vaccines Pros and Cons

RNA Vaccines Pros and Cons

Dr Rob does his best to explain how the new Covid-19 vaccines work, how they're made, and the pros and cons (mostly pro) of the new technology. Location: Orphan Brigade Battlefield Park, Dallas, GA Links and notes: RNA Vaccines: Harnessing God’s design to help prevent...

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The Improbable DNA Corkscrew

The Improbable DNA Corkscrew

Location: Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary and CREW Bird Rookery Swamp Trail, near Estero, Florida, USA We can only understand the size of DNA by comparing it to something else. If you, for example, scaled it up to the length of a major highway, how wide would it be? If you...

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The fragility of DNA is the bane of Darwinism

The fragility of DNA is the bane of Darwinism

DNA can only withstand so much mutation and breakage before it breaks down. An amazing system of repair enzymes keeps decay in check, mostly. Yet, without the crazy complex system of DNA maintenance and repair, life cannot exist, which brings up questions of how we...

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Modern Humans from Adam and Eve? You Bet!

Modern Humans from Adam and Eve? You Bet!

The idea is that all humans came from a first couple. Many people don't think this is possible, but Dr C demolishes one common argument against Adam and Eve: the thought that you can't get millions of rare variations in the genome if you start with just two people a...

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About the show

Based in Atlanta, is a vlog/podcast by Dr. Robert Carter. His posts explore modern genetics through the lens of biblical history, and vice versa.

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Or, click here to become a monthly patron, with perks! is for anyone interested in exploring the deeper aspects of human history, but a history informed by the Bible.  

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on do not necessarily reflect those of Creation Ministries International, Inc. (Dr. C's main employer), or any other entity.

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