Adam and Eve did not live 200,000 years ago

Adam and Eve did not live 200,000 years ago

Dr Rob explains an issue in the creation vs. evolution debate: how fast mutations accumulate. The rate we can measure in families (the ‘genealogical’ rate) is much faster than the rate at which it is claimed mutations accumulate in the population (the...
The Genetics of Modern Jews

The Genetics of Modern Jews

0 “Who is a Jew?” and “Are the Jews genetically distinct?” are important and interesting questions. We have a biblical record of where they came from, of the number of people who married into Israel over time, and of the number of people were...
Early Israel was a Hotbed of Interracial Dating

Early Israel was a Hotbed of Interracial Dating

The biblical story details a surprising number of marriages between Israelite and non-Israelite people. This leads to questions about what is a “Jew”, where the boundaries are between “races” (if they even exist), and what we should expect to...