by Robert Carter | Jul 13, 2021 | Science
Location: Orphan Brigade Battlefield Park, Dallas, GA Notes and links: Species were designed to change, part 1: But how much change is allowed? Species were designed to change, part 2: Speciation and the limits of change Terborg P. 2008. Evidence for the design of...
by Robert Carter | Jul 6, 2021 | Science, Theology
Dr Rob puts the smackdown on a tired old meme: the claim that the Bible teaches that God created all species just they appear today. In so doing, he outlines four important mechanisms that allow for ‘change over time’ within the creation model. This is the...
by Robert Carter | Jan 30, 2021 | Science, Theology
Should there be a genetic difference between clean and unclean animals after the Flood? The answer will surprise you! Can you trace modern humans back to each of the three sons of Noah? Again, the answer is probably not what you expect! Dr C addresses these frequently...
by Robert Carter | Jul 1, 2020 | Theology
Dr C delves into a difficult passage that deals with some improbable breeding experiments done by the Patriarch Jacob in Genesis 30 and 31. Some claim the genetics is all wrong. Others claim Jacob believed in magic. Neither is the case. Links: Jacob’s livestock: a...
by Robert Carter | Apr 28, 2020 | Science
Dr C talks about what it is like to be a geneticist in today’s world. This is the first time in history where we have more ‘data’ than ‘theory’. There is too much data! So be prepared for some of your cherished theories to be...
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