by Robert Carter | Sep 17, 2024 | Science
The woolly mammoth is strongly associated with the Ice Age, but they survived until surprisingly recent times in the far north. Recently, the genomes of multiple mammoths from the last surviving population on Wrangel Island were sequenced. The scientists concluded the...
by Robert Carter | Mar 1, 2023 | Uncategorized
Given the biblical accounts of Creation and the Flood, can we draw any conclusions about what we would expect in genetics? That depends on status of the species in question (e.g., ‘clean’ vs ‘unclean and ‘on the Ark’ vs ‘not on the...
by Robert Carter | Oct 4, 2022 | Science, Theology
Dr Rob travels to Egypt to answer some difficult questions about the biblical timeline, population growth, the people of Egypt, and how, on earth, there were enough people to build the pyramids just a few centuries after Babel. Notes and links: Tour Egypt with CMI...
by Robert Carter | Jan 30, 2021 | Science, Theology
Should there be a genetic difference between clean and unclean animals after the Flood? The answer will surprise you! Can you trace modern humans back to each of the three sons of Noah? Again, the answer is probably not what you expect! Dr C addresses these frequently...
by Robert Carter | May 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
Dr C explains what a genetic “bottleneck” is and why the massive inbreeding necessary in the biblical model is not a problem. First, there was inherently no mutation load at Creation, so there would be no problem with Adam and Eve’s children...
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