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What is a chronogenealogy?

What is a chronogenealogy?

In this third installment in our series on biblical genealogy, Dr Rob explains why the data in Genesis 5 and 11 are so important. These are not just lists of names. The added ages allows us to piece together a timeline of biblical history. Problem is, you can’t...
There is no Y Chromosome Clock

There is no Y Chromosome Clock

The ‘molecular clock hypothesis’ is critical for evolutionary theory. If it fails, many evolutionary speculations will fall as well. Yet, there is abundant evidence that mutations in the Y chromosome have happened at different rates among different people...
Adam and Eve did not live 200,000 years ago

Adam and Eve did not live 200,000 years ago

Dr Rob explains an issue in the creation vs. evolution debate: how fast mutations accumulate. The rate we can measure in families (the ‘genealogical’ rate) is much faster than the rate at which it is claimed mutations accumulate in the population (the...