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Patriarchal Drive

Patriarchal Drive

Patriarchal Drive is a strange phrase with profound implications. Simply put, very old people having children in a population adds many extra mutations per child. In the biblical model, centuries-old people would have been having children within a fairly small...
Did Eve Live in Southern Africa?

Did Eve Live in Southern Africa?

Dr C discusses recent claims that the mother of every person alive on earth today lived in southern Africa, in what is now a vast desert. He points out several critical assumptions behind the conclusions and a couple of errors made by the researchers as they attempted...
Twisting Tales with Ancient DNA

Twisting Tales with Ancient DNA

  The fact that ancient DNA exists at all is a minor miracle. And now that we have figured out how to extract it efficiently and sequence it accurately (more or less), we are suddenly able to answer many long-standing historical riddles. Dr C explains how ancient...