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DNA – highly functional or mostly junk? Part 1

DNA – highly functional or mostly junk? Part 1

Is the human genome highly functional or mostly junk? This is a question that is not only being asked in the creation-evolution debate; it is a question raging in the ivory tower as well. The ‘old guard’ is much more likely to resist any claim that large...
Bacteria deceived us! Life is not simple

Bacteria deceived us! Life is not simple

Science advances in fits and starts, and it sometimes takes a detour onto a dead-end road. Bacteria represent one of those roads. Studying bacteria gave us a sense that we could easily figure out biology, that there was a direct connection between genes and behavior,...
How the butterfly got its stripes

How the butterfly got its stripes

The genetics of the humble butterfly tells us a lot about the creation-evolution debate, the definition of ‘species’, the definition of ‘junk DNA’, and how complex the control systems for things like wing patterns are. The ‘unit’ of...