by Steve Schramm | Apr 8, 2020 | Genetic History, Science
The fact that ancient DNA exists at all is a minor miracle. And now that we have figured out how to extract it efficiently and sequence it accurately (more or less), we are suddenly able to answer many long-standing historical riddles. Dr C explains how ancient...
by Steve Schramm | Mar 10, 2020 | Technology
The things we can now learn about ourselves, and our recent history, through ancestry testing are simply amazing. Revisiting the SNP chip used by and, 4-grandparent test, amazing geographic specificity, no you do not have thousands of...
by Steve Schramm | Mar 10, 2020 | Science
Old ideas about where babies come from, blending ancestry, Mendel and the neo-Darwinian synthesis, “Darwinism”, maybe proteins confer ancestry, DNA did not look like anything important, discovery that DNA is the source of ancestry in 1952 via the Hershey-Chase...
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