This is the second installment in a now multi-part series on human and chimpanzee genetic differences. I had a lot of pushback from my last episode, including negative reviews posted by Gutsick Gibbon, Creation Myths, and Dapper Dinosaur. Unperturbed, I push on. Here, I lay out some of the arguments in more detail and discuss many of the problems people are having when using one particular program, BLAST, to assess similarity between the two species. I will address the results of Gutsick Gibbon specifically in Part 3, but this was filmed before I got most of my experimental results back.
Links (many of these are for Part 3 also):
- Creationist research is utter, utter poo, Roohif, 14 Sep 2018.
- “80% Chimpanzee” | The Bogus Creationism of Jeffery Tomkins, Gutsick Gibbon, 26 May 2023.
- Tomkins Responded to Me (Kinda?), Gutsick Gibon, 7 Jul 2023.
- Jeffrey Tomkins, The Creationist Who Can’t Math: The Movie, Dapper Dinosaur, 24 Aug 2023.
My first installment:
- Human vs Chimp: an honest appraisal of our differences, Biblical Genetics, 15 Aug 2023.
The three attempted rebuttal videos:
- Professional Creationist RESPONDS to my Tomkins Debunk (kinda), 23 Aug 2023.
- Robert Carter, Liar | Creationists Have a Bad Relationship with Honesty: Part 2, Dapper Dinosaur, 23 Aug 2023.
- Creationists Behaving Badly: Dr. Rob Carter, Creation Myths, 23 Aug 2023.
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